Feature Stories



13th Procurement, Integrity, Management and Openness (PRIMO) Forum - a Documentary

13th PRIMO Forum focusing on the theme "Government, Business, Civil Society: Fighting Corruption Together” was held in Kyiv from May 23-25, 2017, hosted by the Government of Ukraine. The Forum was co-sponsored by the  European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the Islamic Development Bank (IsDB) and the World Bank, in cooperation with the European Investment Bank (EIB), Asian Development Bank (ADB), SIGMA, OECD, and UNICTRAL. More than 100 experts attended, including about high-level government officials responsible for public procurement and anti-corruption in 19 countries (Albania, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Bosnia and Herzegovina, FYR Macedonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyz Repbulic, Moldova, Montenegro, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan), as well as representatives from the IsDB, EBRD, EU, SIGMA, EIB, OECD, UNCITRAL, TI Ukraine, UNDP Ukraine, ILO-Turin, WB and others. A video recording of the event is linked below.
